Become a PACC volunteer

If you have a love of theatre and the arts, and would like to gain experience in the creative industries then become a PACC volunteer!
Our volunteers are essential in providing visitors to PACC with information about the venue and current exhibitions, assist them to locate their seats, watching over the audience during performances and serving behind our bar during interval (current Responsible Service of Alcohol certification required if helping in the bar). All of our staff, including our volunteers, need to hold a current Working With Children Clearance. Applying for a Working With Children Clearance is free for volunteers, to find out more or to apply visit the NSW Government Office of the Children's Guardian website.
Fill out the form below with a few details about yourself and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Volunteer FORM
Your privacy
When you complete this form your personal information will be collected by Cessnock City Council for the purpose of registering your interest to become a PACC volunteer and related administrative functions, and in accordance with Council's Privacy Management Plan and Privacy Statement which can be found on Council's website. For a full copy of our Privacy Statement visit our PACC and Privacy page.