

The spacious foyer is tastefully decorated and furnished and wraps around the Box Office and Bar area. The space contains the Cessnock Hall of Fame and is well lit with natural light from large windows at the front of the building. The space is suitable for special events and receptions.

Fees and Charges(PDF, 832KB)| Floor Plan(PDF, 89KB)

Make a booking

To make a booking, please contact us on (02) 4993 4266 or

If another client wishes to challenge your tentative pencilled date, we will notify you immediately and will need confirmation from you within 24 hours that you wish to proceed with your booking.

You will need to specify all technical and catering requirements as well as seating and table configuration, well in advance of your event. After the event, you will be issued an invoice from Cessnock City Council and the amount is payable within 7 days.