Next date: Tuesday, 05 August 2025 | 10:00 AM
to 11:00 AM
- PACC presents a Legs On The Wall production -
Even the smallest voices matter.
An instant Australian classic, Beetle tells the story of a child who finds a friend in her backyard; together they embark on an adventure to search for his Family, the now elusive Christmas Beetle. The magic of the bush habitat is brought to life through Legs On The Wall’s trademark physical storytelling, and animation created from original artworks by beloved children’s author and illustrator Freya Blackwood. A tale of resilience and hope, Beetle reminds young audiences that there’s an important place in the world for all of us. Reminding us of the delicate balance of the natural world and that all things are connected.
This charming, nostalgic and uniquely Australian show invites children and families to join the adventure, encountering larger than life beetles, stick insects, and other bush critters while finding out about the uncanny nature and delicate balance of the bush environment.
This production contains flashing lights and haze. Recommended for ages 6 - 14 years.
Review Quotes
“A striking show which takes young viewers on an immersive journey into nature by fusing puppetry, physical theatre, circus, video projection, and set and costume design with seamless imagination.” ★★★★ - The Scotsman
"Legs On The Wall, the Australian theatre company behind Beetle, superbly blends a touching storyline with visual splendor... This is definitely the show of the Fringe that changed my perspective of the natural world" - Playbill
Audience reviews
"Hand's down the best children's show I've ever taken my daughter to! Funny, moving and beautifully done"
"It was soooo brilliant!!! We LOVED it. Best thins I've taken the kids to hands down"
"I learnt not to take seeds from the earth so more trees can grow and all the Christmas Beetle families can live there"
Production Images
Christy Tran, Lloyd Allison-Young & Olivia Hadley
Voice of the tree Vicki Van Hout
Creative Team
Concept Joshua Thomson
Created & Directed Joshua Thomson & Kate Walder
Illustrations Freya Blackwood
Video Design Susie Henderson
Sound Design Luke Smiles
Composition Jessica Dunn
Lighting Design Gareth Simmonds
Costume Design & Creation Melanie Gillbank
Scenic Art Erth Visual & Physical Inc. & Legs On The Wall

Directors Notes
"One of my most loved childhood memories, in late November or early December, a very special sharing happened with my family. It didn't matter who saw it first but when we did we would bring our whole family together to look at this incredible seasonal event. The first Christmas beetle. Knowing more would come in the following weeks. I remember it stood as a symbol of Christmas, summer, water, heat, fun, family and friends.
Now, even though my family are living all over Australia, we all still share if we see one. Unfortunately, we’re seeing them less and less. Beetle is a story of hope; it reminds us of the importance of the smallest things; our responsibility to let it live on through different stories, every new summer."
- Joshua Thomson, Co-Creator/Director
About Legs On The Wall
In 1984 a small collective of Sydney street performers took on the name of a warm up exercise and created a new physical theatre company. From these origins on Gadigal country, Legs On The Wall has grown to become the internationally renowned powerhouse it is today, with a reputation built on sharing vital contemporary stories through spectacularly daring public art. Inspired by this trailblazing legacy and led by Artistic Director Joshua Thomson and Associate Artist Vicki Van Hout, Legs remain a forward-facing company propelled by our mission: to make meaning in a rapidly changing world through transformative physical theatre.
To learn more, visit
Follow Legs On The Wall on Facebook, and Instagram.
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We regret to advise that there are no refunds or exchanges as per the Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice. Should any performance be postponed due to intervening circumstances, you will have the option to transfer your ticket to the rescheduled performance or receive a full refund. Likewise, should any performance be cancelled due to intervening circumstances a full refund will be issued.
The Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice can be found here.
Tuesday, 05 August 2025 | 10:00 AM
- 11:00 AM
Tuesday, 05 August 2025 | 12:00 PM
- 01:00 PM
PACC | Performance Arts Culture Cessnock, 198 - 202 Vincent Street, Cessnock, 2325, View Map
198 - 202 Vincent Street ,
Cessnock 2325
PACC | Performance Arts Culture Cessnock
198 - 202 Vincent Street ,
Cessnock 2325