Next date: Thursday, 05 June 2025 | 07:30 PM
to 09:50 PM
- Presented by Performance Arts Culture Cessnock -
Australia’s most iconic comedy tour is hitting the road for a huge 27th year! Bringing together the brightest stars from the 2025 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, we’re delivering top-tier humour straight to your town!
Featuring a dynamic line-up of comedy legends and fresh faces, this year’s Roadshow promises nation-wide happiness.
So, grab your friends, lock in your tickets and prepare for a much-needed dose of laughter as the 2025 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow rolls into Cessnock!
Performances often contain coarse language, adult themes, sexual references and material that may offend. The show is recommended for people aged 15 years or older. Smoke Machine/Hazer may be used during this performance.
Review Quotes
"a seamless and ultra-hilarious evening!’" - Scenestr
"we were laughing from the moment the lights went down, to well into the drive home" - Scenestr
"Wiping tears away and wheezing from the sheer joy" - Australian Stage
"Side-splitting fun, razor-sharp, high velocity wit" - Daily Examiner, Grafton (NSW)
"Melbourne Comedy Festival Roadshow … has everyone’s humour covered" - The Sunday Times (WA)
Check out the 2025 lineup!
Alex Ward
Always funny and very likable, Alex Ward effortlessly keeps her audiences at ease, making her highs and lows feel universally relatable. But that’s just the problem. She’s now a chronic sufferer of approachable face! Everyone wants to talk to Alex, all the time – strangers, neighbours, her parents.
Alex has been gigging as a stand-up comedian since 2014 and has been a regular performer at all the major Comedy and Fringe Festivals. Best known for her whip-smart punchlines and regular appearances on Network Ten’s Have You Been Paying Attention? Alex also works as a writer on a bunch of shows including Network Ten’s The Project, and ABC’s Monday’s Experts and Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee.
“Irreverent and extremely engaging. Totally brilliant.” - Pedestrian.TV

Danielle Walker
Danielle Walker grew up in Far North Queensland. She is known for her off beatcomedy. In 2015 she moved from Townsville to Melbourne to pursue Stand upComedy. In 2016 she won Australia's Largest Comedy competition Raw comedy, in2018 she won the coveted Best Newcomer award at the Melbourne Internationalcomedy festival (MICF) which secured her a solo run at the Soho theatre in London.In 2022 Danielle was nominated for Most Outstanding show at MICF, she won thePinder Prize which helped take her show Nostalgia to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.In 2023 she won the first season of Taskmaster Australia and Starred in theABC/CBS co Production Gold Diggers as Marigold Brewer.

Harry Jun
Harry Jun is a Sydney based comedian, host and cartoonist. He stars in ABC’s Good Game:Spawn Point, Good Game Spawn Squad, and co-hosts an SBS podcast, Say Kimchi withShona Yang. He has written and produced content for ABC's Good Game Spawn Point andABC Gamer accounts on YouTube and TikTok which have received millions of views.
Zack Dyer
Zack Dyer is a comedian originally hailing from North Queensland. After performing inQueensland for several years, Zack then moved to Melbourne where he found success afterwinning Triple J’s RAW comedy competition in 2017, the following year he was a part of theMelbourne International Comedy Festival’s newcomer showcase “The Comedy Zone”.In 2019 he successfully debuted his first solo show at both the Brisbane and Melbourne ComedyFestivals and has been a regular at festivals and comedy clubs around the country since.Laconic and relaxed, Zack has his own unique style of absurd observations mixed with storiesthat stem from his background as a North Queenslander from a working class bogan family.
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For a full copy of our Privacy Statement visit our PACC and Privacy page.
Ticketing Terms and Conditions
We regret to advise that there are no refunds or exchanges as per the Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice. Should any performance be postponed due to intervening circumstances, you will have the option to transfer your ticket to the rescheduled performance or receive a full refund. Likewise, should any performance be cancelled due to intervening circumstances a full refund will be issued.
The Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice can be found here.
Thursday, 05 June 2025 | 07:30 PM
- 09:50 PM
PACC | Performance Arts Culture Cessnock, 198 - 202 Vincent Street, Cessnock, 2325, View Map
198 - 202 Vincent Street ,
Cessnock 2325
PACC | Performance Arts Culture Cessnock
198 - 202 Vincent Street ,
Cessnock 2325